Links to Inspire: This Week’s Favorites


Shine on


{At the close of each week, I publish some favorite links, that I hope will inspire. Enjoy!}

Blogger to Encourage: Bill Selak He’s knowledgeable, talented and always willing to support others.

Social Media is the New Television. How Does Your Channel Look?

Teacher Belief & Community: Interview with Lisa Dabbs 

Tips for Performing Your Best at an Interview!

New York Schools Seek Master Teacher Corps to Act as Mentors

Books on my night stand: Blogging From the Heart


Did you find, inspiration this week?  Would love you to share your recommendations.

Hope you are able to “Shine On” and make the best of this summer weekend!



Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed this post, please subscribe to TeachingWithSoul and connect with me on Twitter.


  1. mark

    Thanks so much for sharing! We love your resources! Great for educators, parents, and all!

    • Lisa Dabbs

      Thanks Mark! I so appreciate your taking the time to read and comment. Cheers!


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Wife. Mom. Educator. Author. She started her career as an elementary school teacher in Southern California. In this role as teacher, she assisted with a grant project and became the Project Director of a Language and Literacy program. Read more