Mentoring Monday-Take time To Do what inspires you!

What inspires you?

What moves you?

What do you seek to do more of in your everyday life?

Take a minute to watch and Be Inspired to do less and feel more…

[vodpod id=Video.16151658&w=425&h=350&fv=]

As a new or pre-service teacher, preparing to enter the classroom, or if you are already in the classroom you have a list of To Do’s a gazillion miles long. I know…we all do. But I want to encourage you now, while you are still formulating the patterns of teacher planning, to take time to breathe. This. Is. Important.

Start making the time to do less listing and more loving. Less “pinning” and more walking. Less texting and more calling. Less tweeting and more face-to-face talking.

I want to remind you today, on this Mentoring Monday that it’s too easy to get stuck in the rut of planning or tethered to your tech tool, to extent that all else in this great big beautiful world is lost. And yes…I said Beautiful! I see the glass half full, everyday. Don’t you?

So to this end…I want to urge you today to find ways to balance your early teaching life and immerse yourself in the things that truly inspire you! Practice it and share it with your colleagues, classmates, friends and family. Share it also with your students, so that they, too can learn now, to do more, list less and practice “unplugging”. Do everything you can to guard your time and in the midst of a stressful week…seek out at least one thing, in this great big beautiful world which will bring you joy. It will support you to be a more peace-filled, focused and passion driven teacher.

What are you going to do less of and what are you going to do MORE of this week? How will you stay inspired to have balance between tech, to-do’s and the joy of real-time interaction?

Be inspired!

Photo:fotofortimbras CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

Photo:ashleyrosex CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

Vimeo Created by
Yaniv Fridman :
Daniel Luna :

Music and Sound Design by
WhiteNoise Lab / Roger Lima :


  1. kebperspectives

    Just started a new blog (my third; only my first that is not WordPress) because of this post!

    The entire blog will now be devoted to this constant reminder to myself and to my audiences that we need to keep sight of our dreams and continue to pursue them at all times. Small steps can lead to large successes given enough time!

    Please visit to read the first post!

  2. Bruce Sallan (@BruceSallan)

    I set my goals to get ahead on my columns and I have. Setting goals inspires me to get it done. But, I also am blessed because I love what I do…lucky guy!

  3. Author

    Great post – we should never forget reminding ourselfs on how important sharing is. Done way to seldom. I will implement a Mentor Moday, once a month for a start.
    Thank you for the inspiration!

    • teachingwithsoul

      Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving a comment. It’s important to make a habit of “unplugging” and connecting with others. Cheers!


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Wife. Mom. Educator. Author. She started her career as an elementary school teacher in Southern California. In this role as teacher, she assisted with a grant project and became the Project Director of a Language and Literacy program. Read more