Welcome to New Teacher Boot Camp #ntbootcamp
Summer Professional Development Series with Edutopia.org
As part of Edutopia.org’s Summer Professional Development Series, I’m excited to be the facilitator of a free workshop on web 2.0 tools for new teachers. Over the five-week workshop, participants will learn about one new tool a week, then they’ll do some practice lessons before developing their own. As a group, participants will also be able to brainstorm ways to integrate these tools into the classroom in creative and engaging ways.
Who doesn’t love Summer Camp, right? OK…well maybe some of our summer camps weren’t fun, but this one is going to be a blast! What could be more fun then joining hands and walking through the how to use great educational tech tools to support learning with enthusiastic teachers? And…You won’t even need to pack the sunscreen!
So…I designed this boot camp and want you to join me, or help me spread the word to all the new teachers you know that could benefit from this experience. (You don’t need to be on Twitter to participate, BUT…it will add to the fun!)
New Teacher Boot Camp Schedule:
July 5, 2011: Using Wordle in the Classroom
July 12, 2011: Using Voicethread in the Classroom
July 19, 2011: Using Storybird in the Classroom
July 26, 2011: Using Wetoku in the Classroom
Aug 2, 2011: Using Blogs in the Classroom
Each week, I will discuss a new tool in an Edutopia blog post,with a guest educator and offer some innovative ideas for use in the classroom. While gaining first-hand experience with each tool, Boot Camp participants will build on these ideas, and create their own and share with others as they get .
By the end of the camp, participants will have a lot of great first-hand exposure to some new tools, plus a whole repertoire of projects to use in their classroom.
I’ve also designed a WikiSpace New Teacher Boot Camp Wiki for the upcoming session. This is the space where the teachers who participate, can build a portfolio, so to speak, of the projects they work on this summer.
All participants who stay the whole 5 weeks, will receive a Certificate from Edutopia. You will also be able to participate in some fun give-aways at the end of the PD!
If you think this is something that sounds like a fun learning experience…please sign-up!
Here is the registration link: http://www.edutopia.org/new-teacher-boot-camp
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Let me know what your think!
Thanks for stopping by and Hope to see many of you at camp!
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Wife. Mom. Educator. Author. She started her career as an elementary school teacher in Southern California. In this role as teacher, she assisted with a grant project and became the Project Director of a Language and Literacy program. Read more
several of us are having trouble finding the blog discussion on how to use wordle in the classroom. can you help us?
Hi Jennifer! There was a delay with the posting of the blog discussion on Edutopia.org. It’s now up on the their website. http://www.edutopia.org/blog/new-teacher-boot-camp-wordle-lisa-dabbs Thanks for the outreach!