My last post, was on the topic of the importance of participating in #Edchat, a weekly cutting edge discussion that I strongly encourage you to participate in.
This afternoon/evening we were presented with an important #Edchat topic that is so critical to the success of our schools: Parent-Teacher Communication. So many excellent educators and parents participated in this discussion.
It was lively, energized and as always moved at a very quick pace!
Here is just a small sample of the kind of energetic responses that were shared:
SimplySuzy I drummed up the courage to participate in #edchat for the first time tonight. A whirlwind of wonderfulness!!
TheMacMommy #edchat many parents don’t realize that they really can/do own a school. Don’t bark at teachers/go 2 superintendent & make them do their job
teachingwthsoul @krista_scott Gr8 energy and sharing! So sorry you missed it! #edchat
web20classroom Looking through #edchat from tonight. Looks like another lively, engaging conversation! Thanks @kylepace for your moderation once again!
Presentparent @kylepace thanks for facilitating and making sure my head doesn’t spin off during #edchat
tonnet RT @pisanojm: @tonnet the #EdChat is case-and-point for why you need to be able to read efficiently and why you need to be able TYPE efficiently!
ToughLoveforX @colonelb @Parentella “many parents just “want” something from the school” We have to listen very carefully to what they are saying. #edchat
gfred33 Saying I can’t conf. after such-and-such a time because its outside of my contract will NOT help build parent/tchr relationships. #edchat
fiteach So glad I made it home from coaching for most of #edchat tonight! Parent-teacher relationships are close to my heart. Can’t do it w/o them!
Jer_Johnson8842 @colonelb I have set up a Facebook fan page and Twitter for our parents as an ongoing comm. tool. Positive response. #edchat
This last post by “justwonderinY” truly captures the essence of what #Edchat is all about.
Interacting with educators around the world, and then examining your own work, and putting change into practice!
justwonderinY Thanks all for a great #edchat. Now thinking about the changes I need to make. :o) Keep doing the amazing work you do! (AND SHARING!)
Won’t you join me and the thousand’s of other educators world-wide who are making a difference in the lives of students by thinking beyond your classroom, your school, your box?