by Lisa Dabbs | May 8, 2010 | Posts
On this day before Mother’s Day, my blog post video is an Animoto that I did as a Happy Mommy’s Day to myself. I am fortunate to have two son’s. Their names are Jason and Aaron. In the course of my life’s journey, they have brought me great joy...
by Lisa Dabbs | Apr 13, 2010 | Teaching's Past
Recently, I have worked to update my profile on The Educators PLN. If you aren’t a member of this wonderful supportive team, you need to be sure to visit this Ning site. It’s packed with all kinds of tremendous educational resources, and members who are...
by Lisa Dabbs | Mar 24, 2010 | Teaching's Past
Yesterday I had the opportunity to add some amazing enthusiastic Twitter educators and innovators to my PLN (Personal Learning Network). One of them is Naomi Harm. Naomi is among many things an International key-note speaker, educational technology consultant and...
by Lisa Dabbs | Mar 23, 2010 | Teaching's Past
My last post, was on the topic of the importance of participating in #Edchat, a weekly cutting edge discussion that I strongly encourage you to participate in. This afternoon/evening we were presented with an important #Edchat topic that is...
by Lisa Dabbs | Mar 9, 2010 | Teaching's Past
In the Winter of 2008 I joined Twitter. However, it was not till a few months ago, that I decided to become actively engaged. Quite by accident I met Shelly Terrell, in of all places, Twitter. Shelley is an amazing educator skilled in teaching English Language...