New Teacher Boot Camp Fall Re-Boot:Wordle #ntchat

New Teacher Boot Camp Fall Re-Boot:Wordle #ntchat

As part of’s  Summer Professional Development Series, I was honored to be selected as the facilitator of  a workshop on web 2.0 tools for new teachers. Over the five-week workshop, participants learned about one new tool a week, by visiting my blog on...
Welcome to New Teacher Boot Camp #ntbootcamp

Welcome to New Teacher Boot Camp #ntbootcamp

Summer Professional Development Series with I’m so excited to be able to share this announcement, formally, here on my blog! As part of’s  Summer Professional Development Series, I’m excited to be the facilitator of  a free...

I’m a Woman…a Mom and I’m a Teacher #mothersday

[youtube=] Today is Mother’s Day. I’ve seen this video before and loved it.  It has some wonderful women in it who are Moms that I follow and admire like Kelly Rae Roberts and Brene...