Mentoring Monday:A Message to New Teachers

Mentoring Monday:A Message to New Teachers

Dear New Teacher, In the spirit of the new year, and as January is winding down… there are three things I want to share with you, three words that may encapsulate your needs as you enter 2012. Take a moment to consider the meaning of these three words....
Edcamp:Lead and Learn with your Peers!

Edcamp:Lead and Learn with your Peers!

EdcampOCLA is happening this Saturday, January 28th, 2012 at Arovista Elementary School in Brea, California. As an organizer of EdcampOCLA,  let me share with you today, why you need to take charge of your professional growth as a teacher and get to an Edcamp! What...
Mentoring Monday:A Message to New Teachers

What’s your One Little Word?

When I was a classroom teacher it was so easy to get pulled in so many directions and get caught up in so many projects. I was always volunteering to be on this committee and to chair that important group, that it was easy to get lost to what really mattered: teaching...
Nobody tells people who are beginners…

Nobody tells people who are beginners…

I’ve spent a lot of time over the last two months researching people and blog post ideas that speak to the message of how to stay inspired. I’ve paid particular attention to those that are not educators. Why you say? Well…I really believe that we,...
Teaching Tip Tuesday at Inspired Teacher

Teaching Tip Tuesday at Inspired Teacher

Happy 2012 All! It’s been so exciting to wrap up 2011 and jump into 2012 with energy and enthusiasm! I’m looking forward to more blogging, more projects and more opportunity to share my passion to Inspire, Mentor, Equip and Teach educators to grab on...