One Little Word:Join Me in The Journey

One Little Word:Join Me in The Journey

When I was a classroom teacher I was easily pulled in many directions and got caught up in way too many projects. In my eagerness to serve, I frequently volunteered to be on this committee and to chair that important group. It was easy to get lost to what really...
Saving Time & Energy with VolunteerSpot

Saving Time & Energy with VolunteerSpot

Saving Time & Energy with Free Sign Ups by VolunteerSpot Have you ever felt like you were putting lots of time and energy into busy-work just to get to the meaningful work? Nowhere is this notion more pertinent than in the classroom. When it comes to getting...
ISTE:Extraordinary Energy, Extreme Exhaustion

ISTE:Extraordinary Energy, Extreme Exhaustion

Our prompt for today’s #NaBloPoMo blogging series is the following: Talk about a time when you used up an extraordinary amount of energy and were exhausted. Well…I can think of many experiences that hold true to this statement: My wedding day. Having my...