August Break 2013: It’s Happening


I’m a big fan of connecting with bloggers in my field and outside of education too. Some favorite bloggers, that I follow, are artists. photographers and journalists. One of these, amazing  bloggers is photographer and writer, Susannah Conway.

Susannah has designed this lovely project called The August Break 2013 and here’s the deets:

Each day, for the month of August, you are invited to take a photo and share it on your blog. You can add words to your post–or not. You can use any kind of camera to share a series of photos daily, or just the weekends or skip a day. Basically, there are no rules!

The idea essentially is to be present and enjoy taking photos just for the fun of it!  In the process, Susannah suggests, you may find that your love for blogging will be reinvigorated, as you take a little break from writing.

If you don’t have a blog you can still participate by sharing your photos on Instagram and Flickr, using the hashtag #augustbreak2013.

This year, Susannah is providing a list of daily photo prompts, so if you get stuck for something to photograph, here’s the list:


I’m truly looking forward to participating in this fun project with tons of bloggers from around the world. I also hope to inspire some of you to join me! You can jump in anytime in August. Stay tuned, all month, for fun photos and reflections. And…here we go. Day 1: Breakfast.


So…Are you up for an #AugustBreak2013?

Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed this post, please subscribe to TeachingWithSoul and connect with me on Twitter.





  1. How is it September already? | Reflections on Leadership and Learning - [...] I had never heard of this until, on August 1, I was reading one of the education blogs I…
  2. Joining the August Break 2013 | Reflections on Leadership and Learning - [...] I learned about the August Break by reading this blog by Lisa (@TeachingwithSoul).  The August Break was created by…

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Wife. Mom. Educator. Author. She started her career as an elementary school teacher in Southern California. In this role as teacher, she assisted with a grant project and became the Project Director of a Language and Literacy program. Read more